What’s Needed

The problems have been pointed out numerous times, as they should be. But it comes time that we find out solutions. I am blessed to live in a state that has solutions popping up in numerous places. We don’t need more career politicians. We don’t need more people who disregard the Constitution. We don’t need politicians. We need people who will represent the people, who will read and understand the Constitution, who will read and understand the bills before they vote, who will do extensive research, and who will listen when the American people speak.

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land. It should be held to the highest regard in this country and should never be disregarded. The politicians in DC have done that. I have thought through what should be done with the up coming elections. If we should keep the ones that are somewhat good and just get rid of the bad ones or if we should dump them all out and make it a fair game. My opinion is simple, dump them all out. Let the current politicians fight their way back to office. If they are good, they should have no issues, but if they’re bad then they’ll be gone.

Obviously I will never tell anyone how they should decide what to do in an election or anything in their lives. I only offer my opinion and in the end, it’s up to you. We need people who will listen to We The People. Who will not forget that they were once among us and not to let power and greed go to their head. We need people who will not see their position as a job but as an honor. It is an honor to serve this country in this country in any position as George Washington put it.

We also need to stay awake. We can’t elect these people who represent us and then go back to sleep. They may be good people, but we have to keep watch and hold their feet to the fire. We’ve sent good men to DC and seen them change into people who no longer care for us or the Constitution. We have to continue to do what we are doing right now. We must continue to protest and petition. To call and voice our opinions and continue to show we will be here forever. We have to teach our children to do the same. To question with boldness and to keep their freedom and liberty near and dear. If they let them go, they may never get them back.

We have to point out the wrong things and push for them to be made right. We must hold true to our principles and the Constitution. If we don’t, then we’re right back to square one with the progressives. We have to teach the founders and the founding documents. We can’t allow the teachers and the “experts” to teach us, we must teach ourselves. We must do all of these things and lastly hold true to the ideals and beliefs our founders had. Without those, we would not be America. Without those “DON’T TREAD ON ME” would have never been said.

Who We Really Are

“Whoever looks upon them as an irregular mob will find himself much mistaken. They have men amongst them who know very well what they are about.” – Lord Hugh Percy 1775

It has been said that those in the Tea Parties are racist, fear mongering, violent, terrorist, a mob, and all out evil. This from those who embrace tyrannical forms of government and the progressive ideals to get them there. As Lord Hugh Percy described the American colonies back then, it stands true today. We know who we are, and though they do not show it, they know who we are too.

They try to intimidate us and get us to react with violence. But we stick true to our founders beliefs. That words are strongest weapon and person can have. They didn’t resort to arms until they were invaded by the British. We love the 2nd amendment but we won’t come out shooting bullets, only words and signs.

We use the rights that our creator gave us and the founders re-affirmed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We believe in those documents and the Declaration of Independence. They have been long ignored and we will make sure that it never happens again. We know that it’s our fault for these politicians getting in, but we believe in personal responsibility. That means that we’re going to clean up our mess and throw out the trash.

We are the power of this nation. We’re the strongest branch in America and we will not go back to sleep. We’re back and better than ever and we’re not leaving. We’re taking our Houses back. That includes the House, the Senate, and the White House. We don’t care about parties, R and D mean nothing to us. We look to what people truly believe and if their voting record shows it. If they don’t have a voting record, then we look at actions.

Our founders warned us what would happen, and it’s come true. It’s now time we use the safe guards they gave us and take our country back. It’s time we protest harder than ever and vote like mad this year for those who really know and believe in our best interest. It’s time we line up and tell not just DC but our State legislators, “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are DC? Do you really think you’re in control? Do you really think that you could keep our place while we turned a blind eye? We’re back and better than ever. Thanks for covering for us, but I think we’ll take it back now. You’ve done a pretty lousy job.

“WE THE PEOPLE…” is how the founders started the Constitution. They wanted to put it out there in the very beginning that the people were in control, no one or anything else. They set it up that the Federal Government was the weakest, then the States, and the strongest of all, the People.

We’ve fallen asleep for the past 100 years. We had a small reawakening in the 80’s with Reagan and then went right back asleep. Now we’re awake and we can never go back. It is up to us to tell our children what we’ve done here to defend our country and there’s and our liberty. We must teach them to do the same and never let their guard down. We can never let this happen again.

People may think that we’re not succeeding. They may think we’re not making a difference, but we are. Look at any news network. Good or bad, they’re talking about the Tea Party Movement. They’re talking about millions of people standing together to defend what the founders set up over 200 years ago.

We are having our revolution right now. We are at the deciding point of our future. Whether to continue to let the Federal Government become a tyrannical form or to go back to what we should be, a free Constitutional Representative Republic. We must continue to march on and fight. We must continue to fly that American flag along the with the very first flag of our country, “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.

The Rights of Man

Our founding fathers believed in the rights of man. Europe believed in the rights of men. A lot of difference with one letter. The rights of man is the right of the individual while the rights of men is the rights and wellness of the collective over the individual. The rights of man is the needs of the one out weighs the needs of the many.

If it were not for this ideal, we would not of had America and the documents that lead us as a nation today. At the time, this was a radical idea. It had been attempted but always done wrong, never looking out for the individual. The founders found a way to make it work. They created a Constitutional Representative Republic. They looked to many different systems throughout history, and took a lesson from each one that helped form what we call the Constitution.

James Madison is known as the father of the Constitution, and rightly so. He was influenced by the Federalist Papers which Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and himself wrote. He received over 200 books from his long time friend Thomas Jefferson who was in France at the time. It was influences like these that gave him the idea for the Virginia Plan and later the Constitution.

The Constitution was a work of genius, but some believed it was a missing a confirmation of those individual rights. After 2 years, the Bill of Rights was added. The Constitution combined with the Bill of Rights created a system that no nation has been able to match. Many have tried, and America has attempted to help along the way, but none have come close. We are fortunate to have been blessed with these founders and the ideals that they had and came up with. It is these ideals that created the slogan that was displayed on our first unofficial national flag. “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.

No Where Near The Time

Many people have been accused these past days of threats. I don’t believe these stories to be true, merely lies to poke at the Tea Parties to get a reaction. They want revolution so that they can put in martial law and whatever else they want to throw in.

The founders did many things before they had to take up arms. They protested the unfair taxes. They had their slogan “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION”. They held the Boston Tea Party. Even after the Boston massacre they didn’t take up their arms. They Declared their Independence after many letters of protest back to England and the King.

It wasn’t until Paul Revere road through the streets yelling “THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING” that they had to take up their arms in defense. We are no where near that point and God willing we never will be. The founders gave us the Bill of Rights which guaranteed that we wouldn’t have to take up our arms against the government on our soil. They made sure we could peacefully protest and petition the government.

They gave us the greatest power in the world, the power to vote who got in there. We’ve fallen asleep at the wheel and they’ve taken control. We still hold the power though. Many people will say remember in November. This is true, but July is just as important. If we don’t get the right people in July, we’ll have the lesser of 2 evils in November.

We will not raise up our arms and storm the capital as they are hoping. We will continue to stand on the lawn, holding our signs. We will continue to unite for the fight and chant as our founders did “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.